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Specialized Construction Defect Counsel

Meet us and you are meeting the attorneys who will be working on your case. Richard Riley, Melissa Pasek, Kevin Canty, and Joseph Seltzer have over 80 years of combined experience devoted to the specialized practice of construction defect law. We know how to get your claim evaluated, presented, and resolved efficiently, and we have the respect of expert consultants, insurance adjustors, mediators, defense counsel and others actively involved in the industry.

If your association already has general counsel, we understand the temptation to hire the same lawyers to handle your construction defect work as well. You know them and trust them. They handle your day-to-day matters. But that's exactly the reaso
n to turn to specialists like us instead—it's a matter of expertise. We focus our efforts and knowledge solely on construction defect matters. We know the law and the people inside and out. We and our forensic teams have unsurpassed expertise in identifying defective conditions and the scope and cost of repair to remediate the defects. We work together from the outset to fast track your case, manage the headaches associated with litigation, and minimize the impact of litigation on your property values and refinancing abilities.

Outstanding Communication

We work directly with you from day one. We attend all board meetings. We prepare and provide all requisite association disclosure statements. We keep you and the association membership updated every step of the way. And we do not simply hand your case off to our less experienced associates as soon as you sign up, nor are we distracted by the day-to-day demands of matters unrelated to construction defect claims & litigation. It is this personal attention to you and our singular focus on the construction defect litigation work at hand that enables us to timely resolve your case and you to get your homes repaired.

Flexible Fee Arrangements & Faster Case Resolution

Our goal is and always has been to obtain a recovery for your association as quickly as possible. We almost always work on contingency—meaning we don't get paid until you recover—and we won't drag out your case. We share your desire to move quickly and get results efficiently. Our interests are aligned at the outset and that common interest is the cornerstone of our philosophy and our reputation as results-oriented counsel.


Pre-Litigation Resolution

Our solid reputation and relationships with builders, developers and their respective counsel and insurance adjusters enable us to establish effective pre-litigation resolution programs that can help your association resolve matters before litigation ever begins. Pre-litigation resolution saves you time and money. It minimizes the adverse effect of real estate disclosure requirements for your association members that may reduce home values, hurt sales and delay sale and refinance options.

We have successfully resolved many defect claims without the necessity of litigation and have always obtained a recovery sufficient to complete all necessary repairs to the project.


Developing Credible Claims

We pride ourselves on a personal, hands-on approach to construction defect litigation. We never just rely on construction experts' reports. We consider it our job to be experts, too. We are there during inspections and testing, alongside our expert team every step of the way to assist in the claim development process. Our forensic investigators are among the best in the industry, and we work closely with them when water testing of windows and stucco happens, samples are taken, and crawlspaces and roofs are examined. We do this because it is key to determining the nature and extent of the claims and the realistic value of the potential recovery.

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